How To Enroll With The Payer United Healthcare?
A new UnitedHealthcare online portal has been launched that allows out-of-network providers to electronically register their taxpayer ID numbers and practice demographics. For out-of-network providers submitting claims to UnitedHealthcare, the following information is necessary and can be uploaded via the portal, minimizing potential delays with claims processing and payments.

Here’s what you need to get started started with UHC to begin with.
Taxpayer identification number (TIN)
W-9 form
Federal tax classification
Medical license restrictions (if any)
Valid National Provider Identifier (NPI) number
Primary servicing address
Proof of servicing address
Primary billing address
Proof of billing address
Primary remittance address
Proof of remittance address
We recommend visiting for more information on how to register, or for assistance in the process. For questions or concerns, providers may contact UnitedHealthcare Provider Services at (844) 368-5890.
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