Accreditation is a valuable tool for providers to use in their marketing strategies, as well as for building organizational compliance and risk management programs.

Why Providers Should Strategically Use The Accreditation Process
The accreditation process is a voluntary process and not all providers choose to be accredited. However, those who do are considered leaders in their industry and can reap the rewards associated with this. As mentioned above, the primary benefit of accreditation is that it ensures quality care for your patients across all aspects of their treatment plan.
For example, if you're using a prescription drug for treating your patient's condition and they're having adverse side effects from taking it, you'll want to know as soon as possible so that you can stop administering it until another course of action can be determined. With accreditation status in place, your provider will receive notifications when new drugs are introduced or approved by Medicare or Medicaid based on clinical evidence that they work better than existing options while also being safe enough for long-term use. If there are any questions regarding these medications, our team will reach out immediately so that we can address any concerns before they become larger problems down the road—and thus saving money overall!.
How To Use The Value Of Accreditation In Your Marketing Strategy
Accreditation is a valuable tool to demonstrate your commitment to excellence and help you distinguish yourself from other providers.
- In marketing materials, including on your website and in any other advertising or social media posts: Include accreditation logos where possible. This is the simplest way to let potential patients know you offer DMEPOS services as well as what types of services you provide. If a patient doesn't need equipment but knows someone who does, this can be helpful information for them to share with their friend or loved one.
- Use it in correspondence: You can also use accreditation logos in patient communications such as newsletters and postcards, which are great ways of letting patients know about new products or services.
- Build an organizational compliance program: Accreditation gives providers the opportunity to build a more robust organizational compliance program through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Healthcare Quality
Management System (HQMS) standard framework and best practices that ensure delivery of top-quality care through effective management systems that focus on improving quality outcomes while reducing costs; more effectively managing risk; achieving regulatory compliance; meeting customer expectations; and improving efficiency.
Boldly claim that you are accredited.
First of all, accreditation is a mark of quality. It stands as proof that the DMEPOS supplier in question has met a minimum standard for business practices and customer service, and has committed to upholding those standards in the future.
Secondly, accreditation is a mark of credibility: it signals to your customers that you are an established business with an established reputation and history with which they can feel comfortable working. This can help you win contracts over competitors who may have weaker reputations or less experience in the field; if patient safety is important to them then they'll choose someone who's been accredited by an authoritative organization like HCFA or JCAHO (or whatever agency oversees your domain).
Thirdly, accreditation is a mark of safety: as mentioned above, accredited suppliers are required to meet certain minimum requirements in order to receive their seals of approval—and these requirements include things like having proper equipment sterilization policies in place (to ensure instruments aren't contaminated during use), ensuring they're adequately staffed so that patients get timely care when needed (rather than waiting), etcetera."
Use your accreditation status in your marketing materials.
You've worked hard to earn your accreditation and should be proud of the designation. Use your accreditation status in marketing materials, such as on fliers or promotional items, to let potential customers know that you're a trustworthy provider. You can also use it to attract new customers by displaying it on your website and other digital media.
Use your accreditation compliance to build a more robust organizational compliance program.
Accreditation is a process that can be used to build a more robust organizational compliance program. This is because providers who are accredited have access to resources and tools that will allow them to ensure all of their processes are compliant. For example, the provider may use accreditation to ensure that they have a first-rate patient safety program in place, as well as strong policies and procedures surrounding infection control.
While the value of DMEPOS accreditation is well understood, many providers miss the opportunity to leverage accreditation strategically throughout their internal processes and the marketplace. This can lead to:
- A loss of revenue. Providers who fail to leverage accreditation strategically sacrifice revenue opportunities and fail to take advantage of their full value proposition in the marketplace.
- Inability to properly manage risk, resulting in compliance issues that could lead to regulatory sanctions or even litigation/criminal prosecution. Accredited providers have demonstrated a high level of commitment to quality assurance, which allows them greater flexibility in managing risks associated with compliance programs related to Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements and criminal statutes preventing fraud or abuse on behalf of beneficiaries (such as those outlined under 42 CFR § 1001).
Accreditation is critical to the HME Provider, and they need to be aware of how they can use accreditation strategically to make their practices more efficient and profitable. If you’re a provider who wants to improve your DMEPOS accreditation process, WWS can help!
We provide a variety of services for different stages of the process: from completing your assessment plan through submitting an application for review by accreditation bodies. We have experience working with both large healthcare organizations as well as smaller providers seeking accreditation status.
WWS has partnered with several Accreditation organizations and has developed a new approach to bridge both worlds of trying to fill new and unique care segments as well as rapidly take advantage of market opportunities.