Why Does The Credentialing Process Take So Long?
Research your state’s regulations - Get your documents and forms in order - Start gathering your documents early - Stay organized!

As a new healthcare professional, you have an exciting road ahead of you. You’re going to meet new people, explore new places, and even learn a new language!
But it’s never that easy. In order to start working in the healthcare field, you need to get certified or credentialed first.
This process is not always as straightforward as one might think. After all, there are many factors that go into getting your credentials approved by regulatory bodies and third-party certification agencies. If you do not have access to a competent credentialing team or do not work with people who understand the credentialing process, it may take several months for this process to be completed.
Read on to find out more about speeding up your credentialing process.
So realistically how long does the credentialing process take?
The credentialing process is long and complicated because it’s meant to be. When healthcare organizations hire you, they want to know that you are certified and qualified for the job. However, regulatory bodies, government agencies and third-party certification agencies have set up certain regulations to ensure that only qualified and trained professionals are allowed to work in the field.
This is where the lengthy credentialing process comes into play. For example, if your employer wants you to get your Registered Nurse (RN) certification, the regulatory body responsible for approving the certification is the state’s Board of Nursing (BON). The BON has set a specific time frame which all candidates have to complete the application process. This is to ensure that all candidates have had sufficient time to gather all the necessary documents, submit them and get them approved. If you are applying for a job and your employer asks you to get your credentials approved as soon as possible, you may want to speed up the process and find ways to expedite the credentialing process which in general is to start earlier than possible.
The importance of having certified credentials
As a healthcare professional, your job is to take care of others. This may mean providing medical care, administering vaccinations, assisting people with daily activities or even administering first aid in an emergency situation. However, without the appropriate certifications to back up your skills, you will not be allowed to do any of these things. Automatic Disqualifiers for Healthcare Professionals You may not realize this, but there are certain things that can automatically disqualify you from getting hired in a healthcare organization. If you have certain criminal convictions, you may not be able to get certified. It’s important to be aware of these automatic disqualifiers before applying for a healthcare job.
Four Steps to Speed Up the Credentialing Process
If you want to make the credentialing process go faster, you’re going to have to do your part. Here are five things that you can do to speed up the credentialing process: -
- Research your state’s regulations - To get your credentials approved, you have to go through a state’s BON and/or other regulatory bodies. Knowing which body is responsible for your particular credentials can help you speed up the application process.
- Get your documents and forms in order - You will have to provide the regulatory bodies and the BON with lots of documents and forms so that they can verify your information. These documents include your transcripts, your degree, your certifications and even your resume. All these documents need to be in the proper format and must be verified. -
- Start gathering your documents and forms early - Because every regulatory body has a different set of requirements, you may have to gather several documents. Because of this, it’s best to start gathering your documents as soon as you start applying for jobs. -
- Stay organized - When you have so many documents and forms to gather, it’s easy to become disorganized. Whenever you’re gathering documents, make sure to put them in a safe place so that you don’t end up losing them.
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